Name: Luciel LaCroix
Nickname(s): Luc (Luke), Luci
Date of Birth: March 2nd
Gender: Transgender Male (Pre-Op)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Blood Type: O-
- Luciel's highest flaw is his anxiety. Those who he is not knowledgeable of tend to make him anxious and socialising tends to be out of the question. For this reason, whenever demons are involved, he retreats to his room in the bunker until the problem is solved.
- His pessimistic attitude keeps him from being in a good mood for too long; in his mind, everything that can go wrong, absolutely will.
- Sleeplessness and stress cause him to be easily irritated. Almost always frustrated with someone or something, it is easy for him to snap and he most likely will.
- He has a bad habit of gambling. Though he hasn't currently gambled away all his money, he still always falls into the pit of not knowing when to give up.
- His mind works fast and is able to construct strategies and deliver orders in a concise, easy to understand manner.
- His mind is well guarded and naturally very hard to creep into; he has a strong mental barrier.
- His master of the arts is fine; he is capable of easily picking up a brush and creating quite the masterpiece. He is also a novelist.
Luciel is hardly jubilant and outgoing. He actually appears to be rather secluded and secretive. He is primarily a calm man, though he does have a bit of a temper problem; he often gets angry at the smallest problems, but doesn't seem to make a scene of it. This leads to him bottling up feelings, which only build upon each other until he finally has too much for him to handle. He does seem to recognise the problem, but doesn't know a reliable way to help it due to being a hunter and always being on the road.
He hardly seems accustom to being nice, often having trouble being emotionally available to people. He typically makes snide remarks instead, preferring to avoid subjects that hit too close to home. Because of how he acts, he could be considered rude, off-putting, and a bit of a jerk. Distant, cold; aloof, if you will. He is no stranger to honesty and will go out of his way to compliment someone if he truly likes them; blunt would perhaps be a better term. One thing in particular that he enjoys complimenting is peoples’ eyes; he finds even human’s eyes to be fascinating and will often comment on them unless he dislikes them. He also has a slight soft spot for animals.
That said, Luciel is also rather manipulative to a point. He knows how people work and will twist them to fit his needs if he has to. He doesn’t mean harm from it most of the time, primarily preferring to get gifts and presents from those who he has wrapped around his finger.
Luciel is a rather youthful young man with dark brown hair and matching eyes. Due to this youthful appearance, most people prefer him "green," though he is actually quite experienced in the ways of life. However, he is pale and tiny, which doesn't help his case much. He barely manages five foot, but seems to keep a healthy weight most of the time. Despite his small stature, he has displayed strength beyond a normal human due to his genes being manipulated as a child, forgoing the need to necessarily exercise. However, due to this as well as his fair skin, he somewhat resembles a doll and is often pined after by all manners of collectors and creeps.
He has tattoos and scars that he would rather not speak of. He’s not so much ashamed of them as he doesn’t want to open a can of worms or seem as though he needs sympathy or pity. His arms, legs, and his back all hold tattoos that are special to him; his arms were inked when he was younger and have matching designs that look both intricate and painful. His back, however, was done later and life and sports a flowery pattern that is not common.
- On his computers, he uses a Linux based operating system.
- Luciel knows how to play the piano, the violin, the guitar, and ukulele.
- He is ambidextrous, but seems to prefer using his right hand more often.
- He strongly dislikes sporting events, but has played soccer and basketball in the past.
- He can speak French, Romanian, Latin, Spanish, and English. He can also communicate using ASL.
- He is also an excellent singer with a vast vocal range, but doesn't enjoy mentioning it to anyone.
- Luciel has an IQ of 187 and is considered a genius. He is also a slow reader, has dyslexia, and a terrible memory.
- He has a cat named Angelus and a dog named Deus. Both are cared for by his ex-girlfriend, Felicia, while he's working.
- He is a fan of punk and rock bands. His favourites are Arctic Monkeys, Blackbear, The Neighbourhood, and Panic! At The Disco.
- He enjoys conspiracy theories and also takes an interest in the supernatural and cryptozoology. A recurring inside joke is that he's secretly dating mothman and will do everything to defend cryptids until he dies.
- He detests exercise of almost any kind, with the exception of yoga, which he does to keep himself relaxed and in good shape. However, he's best suited for close combat situations and often boxes (and kickboxes) when he's incredibly worked up.
- He has no 'in case of emergency' contact, which may be attributed to the fact that he doesn't have a family or anyone he considers a close friend.
- He is an excellent gambler because of his ability to read people and hack machines. Because of this, he often is viewed as very lucky and also gets a lot of jokes thrown at him for being a "good luck charm."
Age: 27
Species: Cambion
Occupation: Hunter
Affiliations: Himself, Team Free Will
Luciel was born in Paris, though he didn't spend more than two months there before his mother moved him and himself to America, where she thought they would be safe from the monsters chasing them.
Most of his life was spent on the road, going from state to state, living in motel rooms and having to take care of himself since he was old enough to speak coherent sentences. Over that time, he learned how to hunt from his mother and the various other hunters all trying to be a father figure to him. By the time he was thirteen, he knew every Tom, Dick, and Harry that he all had to call 'uncle' instead of 'dad' to avoid forming a connection with them. None of them stuck around for too long.
At the same time, his mother became more and more abusive of him; from neglect to straight up physical, emotional, and mental abuse. 'Course, growing up in that environment, he didn't know it was bad. He knew he already had broken most of the bones in his body before he turned fifteen. Always claimed he was some hell child, the spawn of something that she killed for a living. Was it a surprise to him? No, not necessarily. He'd been dealing with the symptoms of being a cambion, as if it were some kind of disease.
With the destruction of his mentality came the destruction of his family. His mother eventually got so out of her mind that she took off in her car when he was sixteen, leaving him alone with nothing to his name in the middle of a hotel room that he couldn't stand to be in. So he applied the tricks of the trade; he stole a car to get himself out of the state, grabbed a fake I.D. from Uncle Aiden, then high-tailed it to the only person he knew could help him.
Uncle John. Or, well, he would've seen him if the "damn bastard" could've been found. Instead, he found the likes of Sam and Dean Winchester. First meeting was a little uneasy, especially since he wasn't the nicest person in the world when they met. In fact, if one were to ask him, his first words to them would be, "so the son of a bitch had kids, huh? Well, doesn't that kick me in the ass. Lemme get this straight for you; I don't care if you're his kids or not, I'm not looking for you two." He later heard about the unfortunate passing, though he didn't show signs of feeling bad about it.
Luciel answered some of their questions, but really only left them with more by the end of it. Did they start a rocky alliance? Sure, especially since there was really nowhere else for Luciel to go. Was there any trust behind that alliance? "Fuck no; I don't trust these two with my coffee order, much less my life."
Later on, Luciel found out about Sam's "Special Child" business, which left him more uneasy about staying with the Winchesters. While he didn't reveal his heritage to the boys, he did comment about it being "pretty screwed up." Set him on edge far enough that he might as well have just thrown himself off that cliff. He left them for a time to seek out the truth of what had happened to his family - his mother, he knew, but there was still the manner of his father; if his real uncle was dead, then certainly something would happen to his dad too.
Of course, he'd built a bond with Sam and Dean in the two years he was with them and their concern truly touched his heart, but after repeated phone calls, he decided to ditch his old number and replace his phone. He didn't end up calling them back until all his business was finished. And by the time that was done, he had another person to get used to.
Castiel. "So called 'angel of the lord' or whatever," would be how he explained it, "a bit dimwitted for an angel, if you ask me." Cas wasn't difficult to get along with; he was like a child, confused and always asking questions about things he didn't understand. Always pointed out Luciel's sarcasm and made for a good time to be around.
Or that's what he told everyone else, anyway. In reality, Castiel was terrifying; a part of Luciel was chilled down to the bone at the sight of him. Being in his presence? Near debilitating. Worse of it all, Cas even knew what he was. And he asked him, begged even, for him not to tell anyone. Much to his relief, Castiel agreed.
After that, things seemed to calm down. Or at least as calm as things could get for three hunters and an angel. Needless to say, he's just glad that he doesn't need to go back to hell any time soon; that first trip definitely wasn't as fun as he thought it would be.
Elizabeth "Eliza" LaCroix.
Luciel's mother, who he grew to hate over the years due to her treatment of him. However, the last he saw of her, she had sold her soul to bring him back from the dead. He doesn't believe this absolves her of what she's done to him, but it does show that she at least cared about him in some way.
Luciel's father, who he hasn't met in person yet. He has spoken to him several times throughout the years since he was sixteen, but he hasn't necessarily formed a bond with him however. His father does love him, as much as a demon could love their offspring and has given him some assistance whenever Luciel has given him a call. In some regard, Luciel desires to meet his father, but in some other, he doesn't necessarily feel the need.
Tyson Daniels.
One of his closest friends and his adopted brother, Tyson is held close to his heart. Luciel puts a large amount of trust in him. Unlike with other people, Luciel isn't always looking over his shoulder when Tyson is standing behind him. Based on the frequency of them being together, it is easy to believe that they should simply just be connected at the hip. However, unlike Luciel, Daniels is a very kind and sympathetic person who is able to show emotions and empathy very easily.
Dean Winchester.
They started off rocky at first, but it gradually grew to be a rather placid friendship. Luciel wouldn't put control of his life in Dean's hands, but he would trust him with a coffee order - that is, if Sam and Luciel didn't already have that covered. They argue, but it's more playful than anything - like witty banter being thrown around here and there; it's all harmless fun until someone says something insulting.
Sam Winchester.
"It's comfortable," would be how Luciel would describe his friendship with Sam. They get along well and their personalities somewhat mesh easily at times - other times, they tend to clash, but that is incredibly rare. More oft than not, Luciel agrees with a lot of Sam's views and seems to hold a sum of respect for Sam.
Their relationship is rocky due to the opposing sides that they're on in terms of species. However, Luciel sees Castiel as a useful ally in many cases and has relied on his help before when it comes to dealing with hunts. Luciel doesn't divulge secrets to him or anything, but they do co-exist rather peacefully; this could be due to Castiel promising Luciel to keep the secret of him being a half-demon.
Adam Milligan.
Not long after meeting Adam, Luciel appeared to form a bond with him. While it could be due to him being Sam and Dean's half-brother, Luciel attributes it to him being "relatable, in a weird sense." They weren't instant best friends, but they did get along well. Because of this, Luciel was understandably disturbed when Michael targeted Adam as a vessel.
Love Interests
Michael ;; "Hell or High Water"
The complexities of their relationship started off rather hostile. Michael thought lowly of humans, but he thought lower of Luciel given his demonic nature. Luciel would agree with him, snidely, whenever he'd make a remark about it. But if there's one thing that he respected when it came to Michael? He knew how to keep a secret. Never did breathe a word of Luciel being a cambion - maybe because he was too busy arguing the semantics of being a vessel with Dean or maybe because he didn't think it was important.
Needless to say, however, it was a surprise when not long after Sam got out of the cage, Michael began to appear in Luciel's dreams, looking like a certain young John Winchester. The reason why was a mystery, but Luciel does know what he's half-tempted to just break Michael out of the Cage himself. Question being, how is he gonna do it without anyone knowing what he's doing?
Gadreel ;; "You're My Eden"
Luciel was originally close to Gadreel's initial vessel, finding it disturbing when some angel by the name of 'Ezekiel' came along wearing his skin. He was naturally very distrusting of Ezekiel, even after Dean had given him Cas' input on the situation. Therefore, he's unnerved by the idea of letting some angel poke around in Sam's body. But, he did reluctantly agree that it was the only idea they had after giving Dean his read on the guy. Obviously, he was a little uneasy being in Sam's presence while knowing Gadreel was in his body, poking around and fixing things.
Unfortunately, he and Gadreel don't exactly have a close relationship. "First, you possess one of my friends - the only one I know that can make a damn good drink and gives me the time of day more than anyone else I've ever met," obviously, he was quite furious, "then you possess Sam? What's your ulterior motive?" Could they be called friends? Not really.
Lucifer ;; "Heaven & Hell"
After dying and being resurrected by a deal made by his mother, Luciel became a Prophet. Because of this odd occurrence, Lucifer was designated to be Luciel's guardian angel. This poses a bit of a problem as Lucifer is now ultimately tethered to Luciel in some way, making it hard to go too far without him lest the slight worry forms that something would happen to Luciel. Although they have no contact with each other, it seems bound to happen due to the constant danger that Luciel puts himself in by being a hunter.
Unfortunately, when Lucifer does come around, he's... got quite an angry Prophet on his hands.
Gabriel ;; "Freedom"
Gabriel is... Gabriel. Luciel doesn't favour him, but he's an alright guy. For an angel, anyway. For an archangel. He often pops in and out as he wants, usually pestering Luciel for some reason or another. "No pranking today, Gabe, I have work to do," which doesn't do the trick. Most of the time, Gabriel is looking for 'harmless' 'fun' that Luciel's just not into. Eventually, Luciel caves in when Gabriel promises to help him. He never does, "and it's really getting on my nerves." Gabriel flirts here and there, but it's mostly harmless; Luciel doesn't understand that Gabriel means most of it, while Gabriel seems to be simply barking at the wrong tree.
Since Gabriel's got a mean sweet tooth, most of the time he drops in to grab whatever snack that Luciel's munching on. "You owe me" and he still has yet to make good on those words.
Age: 983
Species: Cambion
Occupation: Hunter
Affiliations: Himself
Luciel was born in Paris, though he didn't spend more than two months there before his mother moved him and himself to America, where she thought they would be safe from the monsters chasing them.
Most of his life was spent on the road, going from state to state, living in motel rooms and having to take care of himself since he was old enough to speak coherent sentences. Over that time, he learned how to hunt from his mother and the various other hunters all trying to be a father figure to him. By the time he was thirteen, he knew every Tom, Dick, and Harry that he all had to call 'uncle' instead of 'dad' to avoid forming a connection with them. None of them stuck around for too long.
At the same time, his mother became more and more abusive of him; from neglect to straight up physical, emotional, and mental abuse. 'Course, growing up in that environment, he didn't know it was bad. He knew he already had broken most of the bones in his body before he turned fifteen. Always claimed he was some hell child, the spawn of something that she killed for a living. Was it a surprise to him? No, not necessarily. He'd been dealing with the symptoms of being a cambion, as if it were some kind of disease.
With the destruction of his mentality came the destruction of his family. His mother eventually got so out of her mind that she took off in her car when he was sixteen, leaving him alone with nothing to his name in the middle of a hotel room that he couldn't stand to be in. So, he applied his tricks of the trade to grab himself a fake I.D. in order to get on the road as soon as possible. With the credit cards that his mother mistakenly left behind, Luciel procured a car despite not having any experience driving himself.
And he high-tailed it as soon as his anxiety subsided. He called up a few of his mother's contacts, but to no real avail; they were either dead or just didn't want to hear from him - "too afraid I'd be their kid or somethin'." After he'd rolled into Heddwich, Pennsylvania several years later, he met Zed Martin, a young woman who claimed to have visions similarly to how he did. However, unlike him, Zed actually seemed to have them while she was awake.
They formed a shaky alliance, figuring that it would be safer for the two of them to stick together. However, Luciel always seemed too preoccupied with hunting to keep much of an eye on her, virtually leaving her to her own devices. The most they did was live together at that point. However, over time, they began to get close due to their visions. While Luciel's were not virtually similar to Zed's in any way, they could draw some conclusions quicker than they could apart, leading them both to talking about them - until the conversations turned from visions to just... talking. About anything.
Later on, when Zed came into contact with one Mr. John Constantine, Luciel was nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, around the same time, Luciel had been contacted by his father, Asmodeus, who claimed to have wanted to meet him for the first time. However, it proved to be a fluke as he was only leading Luciel to a job dealing with demons that "he was probably too lazy to do it himself," leaving Luciel feeling very lied to and betrayed. He finally joined up with Zed again after the fact, returning her call on his way back to Pennsylvania.
"The detour was a bit of a pain in the ass," he later told her, laughing when she gave him a roll of her eyes. Thankfully, he'd even found the place to start with; rather, he'd been walked right up to the front door after meeting Chas, who Luciel was initially wary about. "Alright; I don't trust you with my life, but I'll trust you with my food," he commented after Chas had made them all a meal.
And he'd finally met the person Zed had been seeing in her dreams, though he didn't initially believe him to be real at first. "Are you sure he's not a physical manifestation of your dreams that you just... I dunno, conjured up?" Originally sceptical, Luciel grew to accept John as a real person and not some sort of running joke or imaginary friend that Zed had came up with on her own.
As it stands, Luciel serves purpose in the group by patching everyone up after things of awry, though he's not much of a doctor. "Just some guy who has damn good medical knowledge, I guess," he has claimed on several occasions. However, he also helps in other cases, usually providing a good distraction or being able to ward off whatever has fallen in their cross hairs that day. He's a bit antsy when dealing with demons, however, so he tends to make himself scarce; "you sell your soul once and suddenly every demon wants a piece of you," he continually jokes, but usually becomes more serious when he explains himself as "a petty dabbler in magic, myself," later on when asked.
Elizabeth "Eliza" LaCroix.
Luciel's mother, who he grew to hate over the years due to her treatment of him. However, the last he saw of her, she had sold her soul to bring him back from the dead. He doesn't believe this absolves her of what she's done to him, but it does show that she at least cared about him in some way.
Luciel's father, who he hasn't met in person yet. He has spoken to him several times throughout the years since he was sixteen, but he hasn't necessarily formed a bond with him however. His father does love him, as much as a demon could love their offspring and has given him some assistance whenever Luciel has given him a call. In some regard, Luciel desires to meet his father, but in some other, he doesn't necessarily feel the need.
Tyson Daniels.
One of his closest friends and his adopted brother, Tyson is held close to his heart. Luciel puts a large amount of trust in him. Unlike with other people, Luciel isn't always looking over his shoulder when Tyson is standing behind him. Based on the frequency of them being together, it is easy to believe that they should simply just be connected at the hip. However, unlike Luciel, Daniels is a very kind and sympathetic person who is able to show emotions and empathy very easily.
John Constantine.
John is something of a mystery wrapped in an enigma - "or he tries to be, anyway," - and is someone that causes Luciel confusion. Perhaps it is due to them being similar in some ways that Luciel may not even realise or maybe it's due to John simply being the most... well, human warlock that he's met. No matter the case, Luciel seems to be alright with sharing a living space with him and sees him as something of a friend, though he wouldn't outright say it to his face.
Zed Martin.
One of his closest friends and also one of the few people he trusts, Zed is someone he divulges most of his problems to. Of course, he does keep secrets from her and that tends to strain their relationship at times. However, they are fairly close otherwise and get along quite well. In some cases, they also play a couple when going undercover for jobs; it's a little ironic, considering they have no real interest in each other.
Chas Chandler.
Luciel doesn't actually quite know a lot about Chas, other than him having a daughter and an ex-wife that he still seems to care for. Despite not being in any situation relatively similar, Luciel tries to offer an ear and advice that may be helpful to Chas like any good friend would; sometimes his advice is helpful, other times not so much - it's really hit or miss. Despite this, however, their friendship doesn't seem too rocky overall.
Love Interests
John Constantine ;; "Hell Hath No Fury"
John is... well, John. "Distant about as much as me, but also one snarky asshole," or at least that's how Luciel would put it. And being quite the deadpan snarker himself, he should know. However, John is less of a menace and more of an amusement to Luciel; no matter what the response is, Luciel always gets a laugh out of it, even if he happens to be royally pissed off with John's antics.
Luciel appears to care quite a lot about John, worrying for his well-being from when he's just lighting up a cigarette to when he's actually putting himself in danger. Though he wouldn't outright admit it, Luciel does show it in the way that he acts, often tending to John's wounds when he gets injured in some way, even insisting when it's something as small as a papercut.
Due to them both not seeming to put too much into making the relationship, well, a relationship, it can be a bit hard to notice if they actually truly care for each other. This tends to put a lot of confusion in the air and make it tense between them at times. Because of it, there has been quite a few arguments between the two of them about exactly what each other think is going on.
Zed Martin ;; "Prophetic Bonds"
Due to their close bond, there's hardly room for boundaries between these two. They're no stranger to doing platonic cuddling or just lazing on one another after a long day. Most of the time, when Luciel returns from his own cases, he'll just drop himself onto Zed without any warning; this of course gets them both some looks from John and Chas, who still haven't figured out the semantics of the relationship between Zed and Luciel.
Luciel feels comfortable enough with Zed to divulge close secrets to her that he wouldn't say to anyone else, while Zed sometimes feels the same. However, due to some heavy secrets that they both hold, their relationship tends to be a bit strained. These times are few and far between, but when they happen, neither even want to be in the same room as each other.
Due to being close, though, they are typically able to patch their relationship back up and become comfortable with each other again. It's a bit touch and go after their fights, but it doesn't take long for them to fall into their same rhythm, showing that they do have a real bond despite not outwardly showing it in some cases.
Age: 27
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Himself, The Avengers
Luciel was born in Paris, France and could be seen as the reason for his mother's death. Because he grew up reading her journal as one of the only pieces of information that he gained from her, he grew up believing that the reason she died was to pass on her abilities to him - as if that were her entire reason for existing. It seemed a little skewed, but that was how he saw it.
Unfortunately, Luciel didn't have much of a happy childhood. He spent most of his time in an orphanage before a disaster made it go from bad to worse - "out of the frying pan, into the fire." While the rest of the children as well as staff perished, Luciel was purposefully kept alive for the sole reason of him being his mother's legacy. Apparently, this organisation - this HYDRA - had sought him out intentionally, because he held some kind of secret that would later be perfected after his escape.
Luciel spent most of his time in a cell, exception being when he was pulled out to be poked and prodded - though, luckily he was sedated heavily before such happened. However, this obviously left him with mental scars that remained well into his adulthood.
One night, during a raid on the base he was housed in, Luciel was rescued by the likes of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. Still under the influence of sedatives used to keep him placid, Luciel unfortunately took several hours before he awoke in a S.H.I.E.L.D medical facility, with not much movement allowed due to restraints put in place in order to assure he wouldn't snap immediately.
After hours of a bleary interrogation and looking through any records he had left, Luciel was deemed unsafe to be released on his own recognisance. Because he wasn't deemed responsible for what had happened to him as a child, however, he was under constant surveillance while temporarily imprisoned. "I remember being uneasy," he'd later inform Natasha after Director Nick Fury had him released after Luciel convinced him that he could be useful to S.H.I.E.L.D in some way.
He later proved this when the Battle of New York occurred, in which he assisted the Avengers in fighting off the Chitauri and Loki. Luciel also assisted the city in cleaning up the mess that he'd helped cause using his psionics, which only further proved his loyalty and usefulness to the people who would've otherwise had him murdered if they had learned of his past.
Elizabeth "Eliza" LaCroix.
Luciel never truly knew his mother due to the occurrences of his past. He knew that she was a powerful psionic and that she would've wanted him to follow in her footsteps - she wasn't necessarily a hero, but she did what she could with her abilities. However, because he didn't know her well, he didn't exactly know if he would've liked her.
Tyson Daniels.
One of his closest friends and his adopted brother, Tyson is held close to his heart. Luciel puts a large amount of trust in him. Unlike with other people, Luciel isn't always looking over his shoulder when Tyson is standing behind him. Based on the frequency of them being together, it is easy to believe that they should simply just be connected at the hip. However, unlike Luciel, Daniels is a very kind and sympathetic person who is able to show emotions and empathy very easily.
Tony Stark
Luciel views Tony as something of a "weird older brother" figure in a sense. He doesn't necessarily agree with his views (especially when it comes to Civil War) sometimes, but he does respect his opinion on things. They aren't necessarily as close knit as they could be, but Luciel does see him as a friend and as part of the weird family that the Avengers is..
Natasha Romanoff.
Luciel views Natasha as something of an older sister figure. Being that she is one of the people who came to his rescue, he's rather close to her and tends to be attached at her hip when he can help it. Because of this, the two are close and divulge some secrets to each other on the occasion.
Steve Rogers.
Luciel is also close to Steve, who was on the mission with Natasha when Luciel was found somewhere along the way. Because of this, he also appears to have a close bond with Steve, but it's not as close as Luciel's with Natasha. However, he does seem to confide in Steve whenever something upsets him or if he simply needs to talk about something that bothers him.
Clint Barton.
A trouble some duo these two. Clint and Luciel get along well and are often pulling the worst pranks on the other Avengers when the mood is light. Most of the time, they're Luciel's ideas and Clint is not shy about telling everyone that when the two of them get in some form of trouble. Because they're fairly close, Luciel sees Clint as something of an older brother figure.
Luciel finds Thor to be fascinating, more so because he seems pulled right out of one of the mythology books that Luciel has always looked into. The two of them have a steady friendship, with a lot of give and take when it comes to learning about each other and where they come from. Luciel doesn't like to divulge too much information, but he teaches Thor about some of the more human things while Thor seems perfectly fine teaching Luciel about Asgard.
Bucky Barnes.
Another reason why Luciel hates HYDRA is what they did to Bucky. Given that Luciel is close to Steve, he's heard all the stories about Bucky from him and almost feels as if he really knows him in an awkward, "I've heard all this before" sense. So when it all came down to it, he felt more or less sympathetic for Bucky's situation, even after he was finally free of the control HYDRA had on him - not the metaphorical control, but the literal control instead. He can relate to the metaphorical control aspect, however, because he sometimes feels it as well.
Love Interests
Steve Rogers. ;; "Worth Fighting For"
Luciel and Steve have a close relationship and Luciel seems to trust him quite a bit. As Steve was one of the people who rescued him during the assault on the HYDRA base Luciel was contained within, he was also one of the people that Luciel clung to as sort of a protective figure. Because of this, while he may not be totally reliant on Steve, he has no qualms about sitting down to talk to him in a personal setting.
Loki Laufeyson. ;; "Frozen Heart"
To be honest, Luciel only knows Loki as two things: a) the person who caused the destruction that destroyed his apartment building and b) Thor's adopted brother. They have no real sense of a relationship, but Luciel does seem to feel a little sympathetic toward him in some way; it could be due to their mutual "betrayal" at the hands of people they originally believed cared for them. Whatever the reason, Luciel is interested in knowing more about him, though it appears to be a bit difficult as he has no real way of contacting Loki at the moment. Perhaps he'll have to see Thor about that...
Pietro Maximoff ;; "Always On Guard"
Luciel would be the last person who would be expected to open up when the Maximoff's joined The Avengers. However, he formed a somewhat close bond of Pietro that surprised even himself. He wouldn't divulge all his secrets immediately, but he does find Pietro both interesting and trustworthy. They are more allies than friends, however, as Luciel still seems to feel a little uneasy about offering his trust as a whole. However, Pietro hasn't failed him yet.
Wanda Maximoff ;; "PS. I love you."
Luciel also seemed to form a steady friendship with Wanda, who he seemed both more and less comfortable around. They originally only bonded over their somewhat similar abilities, but that eventually grew to speaking less about them and more about who they are as people. Luciel seems to trust Wanda with more secrets than he does anyone else, but he also doesn't seem to have much of a choice as she already knows his worst fears.
criminal minds
Age: 27
Species: Human
Occupation: FBI Agent
Specialty: Technical Analyst, Communications Liaison
Elizabeth "Eliza" LaCroix.
Tyson Daniels.
One of his closest friends and his adopted brother, Tyson is held close to his heart. Luciel puts a large amount of trust in him. Unlike with other people, Luciel isn't always looking over his shoulder when Tyson is standing behind him. Based on the frequency of them being together, it is easy to believe that they should simply just be connected at the hip. However, unlike Luciel, Daniels is a very kind and sympathetic person who is able to show emotions and empathy very easily.
Love Interests
Mick Rawson. ;; "Foreign Feelings"
Aaron Hotchner. ;; "Rest for the Weary"
Age: 27
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Villain (Previously), Vigilante
Affiliations: Arkham Knight (Previously), Batfam
Elizabeth "Eliza" LaCroix.
Tyson Daniels.
One of his closest friends and his adopted brother, Tyson is held close to his heart. Luciel puts a large amount of trust in him. Unlike with other people, Luciel isn't always looking over his shoulder when Tyson is standing behind him. Based on the frequency of them being together, it is easy to believe that they should simply just be connected at the hip. However, unlike Luciel, Daniels is a very kind and sympathetic person who is able to show emotions and empathy very easily.
Alfred Pennyworth.
Alfred was the first person Luciel came to trust after his traumatic experiences as a child. Like a child who feels loyal and protective of their parent, Luciel worries for Alfred's safety and often helps him out whenever possible. Though Alfred insists upon continuing his butler duties, he doesn't mind having Luciel assist him here and there.
Bruce Wayne.
Indirectly raised by Bruce, Luciel trusts and considers him someone to look up to. Because of this, they have a close bond that is rarely ever rocky. However, there was a point in time where Luciel felt abandoned and even betrayed by Bruce, which caused his involvement during the events of Arkham Knight. However, by the end of it, it seems as if they have reconciled and even begun working again, though there still remains an issue of trust.
Tim Drake.
Though they originally hadn't met until after Tim became Robin, it was obvious that Luciel had a good deal of respect for him. Although they started off being competitive toward one another without any deal of friendliness involved, that soon changed after they met in a cage fight at a local event the both of them perused. Although it came out to be a tie, they did promise to have another battle to settle the score.
Barbara Gordon.
Luciel considers Barbara a close friend and confidant, often disclosing secrets to her. Although he didn't trust her at first, given that her computer expertise gave her the ability to poke into just about anything. However, after she had confronted him about his attitude toward her, he came to realise that he was being a little over-dramatic and the two of them gradually formed a friendship. Now, Luciel feels more comfortable asking for her help.
Love Interests
Jason Todd. ;; "Loyalty"
Jason is someone that Luciel feels fiercely loyal to, even to the point of turning against Batman after being convinced by Jason. Though Luciel thinks his methods are questionable, he also trusts Jason and rarely ever seems to question him. However, there are quite a few things that they have disagreed upon and this shows especially when Jason actually attempts to murder Bruce.
Dick Grayson. ;; "Weary Hearts"
Originally raised alongside each other, the two formed a tight knit bond that really only changed, throughout the years, twice. Once when they began to get feelings for each other and another time, when Luciel was convinced to work along side the Arkham Knight, again Batman. However, things don't seem to have changed much save for an exception of a